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How to Keep Your Woodwork Machinery In Good Condition

January 26, 2021 2 min read

Having invested in quality woodwork machinery, you would certainly be wise to keep it in good working condition. Carrying out regular maintenance can certainly prolong the working life of your machines and prevent inconvenient breakdowns. After all, they never happen at a good time.  

For safety purposes, it is always good to carry out regular checks and routine maintenance as poorly maintained machinery is far more likely to cause injury also. 

We sell a wide range of new and used woodwork machinery and are always happy to offer advice and tips to ensure that your machinery stays in tiptop condition, here are a few key things you should be doing to maintain your machines. 

Machine maintenance tips

You may be tempted to push a cutting blade to its limits believing that you will be saving a few pounds, but consider how much longer cutting with a blunt blade takes and the extra strain on the machine motor. Combine this with a lower quality cut and the potential for the blade to snap and cause personal or product damage, and you are far better off changing blades regularly within the recommended intervals or definitely at the first sign of damage, no matter how small.

Running the machine with sharp blades is easier on your machine, safer for you and creates a better finish for your item. 

It is important to make sure that all moving parts are free and turning or moving as they should.  We recommend a regular check over before starting to ensure that nothing is restricting movement of any visible parts and that moving parts and bearings are lubricated as the user guide recommends with products specifically designed for the relevant application. 

For safety purposes, you should regularly clean wood shavings and debris from your machines, both inside and out, to avoid the risk of fire or damage caused by overheating or friction. Your machines will give you better service for longer if you avoid the build-up of resin and muck around the machine, rust and moisture damage is more likely to cause problems on a dirty poorly maintained machine.

It is always good advice to carry out routine checks prior to starting work and always when machines have been idle for any left of time.

The benefit of preventative maintenance

Remember prevention is better than cure. It is always better (and more cost-effective) to carry out routine maintenance at a schedule based on your machine workload so that you reduce the risk of breakdowns and extend the life of your machine.
